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Do you need a VA or an OBM?

Do you need a VA or an OBM?

You know you need help, but you aren’t quite sure… do you need the help of a VA (virtual assistant) or is it time to hire an OBM (online business manager)? First, let’s take a look at the key differences between a VA and an OBM. Doing vs. Managing...

What does a Certified OBM do?

What does a Certified OBM do?

Unveiling the role of a Certified OBM... Introduction "I know I need help, but what exactly do you do?" I've been asked this question a few times recently, and it shows that, although an Online Business Manager is a crucial role for many...

If you're new, welcome! I'm Nicky, a Certified OBM® based in Ireland. I help business owners across the globe with the back-end of their business so they can focus on revenue generating activities, claim back time and energy, and set their business up for sustainable success.

Let’s Connect

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